sleeping problems please help christians?


New member
Aug 7, 2013
so i keep having these thoughts after my falling down the stairs thing i got so afraid to sleep then thoughts popped in my head like i want to get in a coma but i dont and i just cry and cry and cry and i say why me why me i went in the bathroom still crying asking what did i do for this i was sleepy i was falling asleep then i keep waking back up in like a few mins and i went back to sleep woke up at the next hour (1am) and now i woke up again at 2am where it is 2:41 am now here. and i want to go back to sleep but i will wake up again. this is why i sleep late. i am just sad please help oh yeah and when i get my mind off of those things it still pops up and i am scared to go to sleep after the thoughts because what if it happen anyway please help i also slept t'ill like 6pm because i go to sleep at 9am but i want to get back on track and i dont want these thoughts to affect me. So Christians please help me any prayers/