Sir Michael Cain (actor) supports re-introduction of National Service. Do you?


New member
Apr 17, 2010
The reason so much youth criminal behaviour exists is due to lack of discipline, combined with a low sense of worth and under developed values about how to live in society productively. Youths who exhibit behavioural problems would benefit from two years education to address such concerns, in the form of National Service. They would emerge better citizens and equipped for a more successful and rewarding future.
The British Army prides itself on being an elite fighting force, they would never agree to it, anyway shouldn't schools teach kids this stuff. No I'm completely against it, its a massive waste of military time and money, it wouldn't help the kids, because the last thing kids with behavioural problems need is weapons training and it will cause a huge tax increase. The Army is not like University or school, it is not higher education, it is an organisation designed to produce soldiers not post grads.