Since the atheists here are so vehemently organized against religion, does...


New member
Apr 30, 2013
...that mean atheism is a cult? lets look at the facts: We know that it has been declared a religion by the courts. Also it has the first church of atheism with real ordained ministers. Also churches of atheism in the UK are open for people to go to the atheist church on sundays. In this section alone we see the the negativity its adherents uphold every day, mocking good people, putting words in their mouth, doing little to love others as true religion teaches.

Is this enough to send it into the side of a cult? There's atheism and then there's new atheism, perhaps it's just new atheism that is the cult? Currently we are seeing the rise of New Atheism. It's different than atheism (the rejection of God) because they have a common creed: violent resistance to religion, even when religion promotes peace. They worship Dawkins, Sagan and Harris.

So what do you think?
yeah atheists are the rudest people on here,they are very cult like and they want to force their beliefs down peoples throats.they often linger in the religion section and just insult and ridicule religipous people.