Since religion is Obviously losing to science, when do you think we will


New member
Aug 3, 2011
have an atheist President? With science curing HIV in children and scandals in the Catholic Church causing the pope to resign, it is obvious that we are moving farther religious and closer to science. (Not that the two are mutually exclusive).

When do you think we will have an atheist president?
Religion and faith has been around since the beginning of time.. I don't think we have much to worry about.. This atheist kick is just a fad with the youths right now, it soon will fade...

BTW... Religious Belief and Science can walk together, and always has... As you grow older and experience more in life then just silly fads to you start to see this..

People have always questioned Religious Beliefs, it's just today we have a very Liberal Society which likes to voice their silliness in an attempt they will seem more Intelligent.. unfortunately their youthful attempts to seem Intelligent , eventually turns to Ignorance. But that's OK.. We all were young once too and can laugh at our silly fads we also followed in our younger days.
The only reason religion is "losing" is because this country is filled with smug low life's who think they have an answer to everything. We live in an age where people are so pampered that if something isn't 100 percent proven then it must be false. Religion has always been about FAITH. God appeared to the Jews first so that they could spread the word and keep the faith alive for years to come. There aren't supposed to be blaring signs that god is real, you are just supposed to believe in him. The people who think they just have the world by the tail because "science doesn't prove god exists" have no more answers than I have on the matter.

So I'm tired of hearing these idiots talk like they have the answers when they have no answers. Science is the constant observation of things and what you learn from them. There are things that were considered right by the highest universities in the land 100 years ago that have been proven wrong now. So just because there is no hardcore scientific proof of god's existence doesn't mean that there is no god.

To answer your question it will be soon, sadly. It will be one of the schemes liberals will use for their next few presidential candidates to pull out low information voters. "'Make history, elect the first atheist president" corny slogan, no substance and a bunch of idiots will get us the first atheist president. Followed by the first woman president, first Hispanic president, the first gay president. We'll just be making so much history! Who cares what the candidate has to say, we need to elect the first whatever at all costs
Actually, it wouldn't bother me all that much. But Islam isn't shrinking. Not even shrinking here in the US. It's not strident either but it is here.
But I agree-religion seems as obsolete as watering grass in the middle of the day.
According to his friends and relatives, Abe Lincoln wasn't an atheist, but he wasn't "religious." He was spiritual. Maybe an agnostic theist or more likely a non-denominational Christian.