Shouldn't these words, spoken a year ago, have set alarm bells ringing with his wife?


Jun 2, 2008
How can you be bored when you have a beautiful wife, two lovely small children, great homes, a bank balance to die for, exotic holidays etc etc? Could it be that intelligent people are very seldom bored - their minds are always engaged or they're doing something. The words? Comparing his life now to when he was in his twenties " I just live a more boring life".
Lol @ Dave's message to the ladies on here! Let me give you a little advice in return Dave, it wasn't his wife who sought the injunction, he did to 'protect her and the children' ! Married men who want to play away risk everything that they don't appreciate when they're in the arms of a slapper like Imogen what'shername - amazing how frightened they are of having all that removed - wife, comfortable home (not house - that's just a building), the right to see their children 24 hours a day 7 days a week, bank balance vastly reduced, pension pot halved, maintenance for ex wife and children, parents who are upset because they can't see their grandchildren, her parents who hate you for what you've done to their daughter and grandchildren. So my advice to you would be - stick to your fillet mignon, at least you know where it's been!
Human_animal - what you've said on there about me is actually so far removed from the truth it's laughable. I don't work, don't need to. I've done the media thing too but only in a nice and positive way - i don't mess around with my life and happiness nor that of other people for self gratification, and i'm never bored.
Just an idol - we made - with his feets in the mud, were we all belong. Like Oscar Wilde said it "we are all in the sewer, the only difference is, some of us are looking upwards".
Actually youre being slightly unfair ..... its human nature to have something to aspire to, to keep wanting more.

We look at his lifestyle and think, yeah I'd love to have that ..... its something to aspire to.

But what happens when you've already got that. Then what? Thats why you see people who are millionaires desperately happy. They should be happy, they have everything they want, but then where do they go with their life?

Its in the same way ..... and Im going to give all women on here a free lesson on men ...... when men have affairs with women who are uglier than their wives. Its not about the looks, its just about something different, something illicit. Thats why.

If you've spent your life eating fillet mignon, sometimes you just fancy a hamburger.
i'm not surprised what he said this it rings true
i know you don't want to hear this cos you're poor work a job you hate and the media doesn't report your every move
but honestly everything gets dull after a while it really does if you think about it
if your a millionaire and you can on a whim buy anything you like in an instant where's the pleasure where is the sense of achievement? no where cos everything is easy to get
boredom is a disease worse than cancer and we should all fight it
pooning the same chick night after night is where's pleasure in that? sex with the same person gets dull after a while affairs cure that with little or no side effects
i think the press should shut up about celebs and tackle serious things like politics or religion y'know shite that truly effects us all
It is my opinion that money and power just makes an egotistical person go overboard and always aiming for more, more, more.
It is my opinion that money and power just makes an egotistical person go overboard and always aiming for more, more, more.
silly man he is eating his words now

he spoke too soon , i bet he is cringing every time he puts on the news , internet or picks a paper up
his brains were in his trousers