Should women cover up?


Feb 18, 2008
Let’s leave religious teachings out of this topic please.

Forget what the Bible, Qur’an or Torah or any other religious teachings say about it if you can.

Do YOU personally think that women not covering their whole bodies in public are asking to be violated? do you think it increases their chances of being raped?

Do you think the showing of more and more women in sexual music videos and pictures with revealing clothes on are causing/ are at all to blame for a breakdown in morals or to blame for a break down in marriage in any way?

Also, i heard some guy (not saying who) saying that when a woman, be her your mother, girlfriend or daughter doesnt cover up fully, is always being raped and violated mentally by your friends and other people on the street or in public. What do you think about that?

Any girls out there what are your thoughts? how would you feel about covering up in public?

Once you are married to a guy, should you cover up so no other guy can see you apart from your husband?
I don't think women are increasing their chances of being raped/assaulted by wearing revealing clothes, however I do think that excessively revealing clothes often make a girl look tacky and cheap so, for that reason, I would be suprised (in a negative way) if my girlfriend (who I don't consider tacky and cheap) were to go out in a micro-skirt etc.

I think context is a huge huge part of it though. Personally, I would object less to seeing someone completely starkers at a nude beach or sauna or whatever than I would to seeing some girl dressed in skimpy clothing in the pub. It's not the clothing or the skin that really matters, it's the impressions you get of someone's character through their appearance.
Sadly, yes. In a culture that as sexual as ours - we need only look to the 'average' tv show or magazine ad to see this - it is a precaution. I don't understand the thinking behind this debate. I am not placing the blame on women. But in a society filled with greed, do you walk around with gold chains exposed in dark alleys? Its asking to be robed due to societal beliefs and practices.

I think the question should rather be what is this representative of, the fact that we are even asking this. It is a microcosim of society, and how messed up we are. We are slowly becoming a hedonistic society.

Maybe i shold quantify what you mean by cover up? I'm not proposing a full out middle east covering up, but modesty and class are values that we sadly lost with the advent of modernity.
moosey - i disagree with you a 100% I go to university in the town which has the most sexual offences in canada.... and when i walk around campus i wonder how much of it is due to the tight and revealing nature of clothing worn. Like i said above, its societies beliefs and practices - perpetuated via the media - to blame not the clothes... but that sad, my analogy, above, remains
However, it's all good and well for us men to say what a woman should and should not do.

It is, is it not her own choice what she wears and when? (to a certain degree obviously, like at work etc)
"Also, i heard some guy (not saying who) saying that when a woman, be her your mother, girlfriend or daughter doesnt cover up fully, is always being raped and violated mentally by your friends and other people on the street or in public. What do you think about that?"

You mentioned you didnt want to get into religion, but the fact that 2000+year old religions address this issue, shows it is has been a problem of mankind for a long time now. Jesus himself makes this distinction, that when we lust for another - in our heads/minds - we are commiting adultery... i think this has to speak for something!
Please dont bring jesus into it.

Perhaps it brings to light more that fact that for whatever reasons, humans cant accept their true nature in this matter, the matter that all men and women lust in a sexual way?
sociological studies have shown that in hyper sexual cultures, revelaing clothes only feed (for a lack of a better word) the animalistic drive in males. - this is a conservative view

THe liberal view attacks the systemic nature of things saying that the perpetrators of these crimes are a victim of the sexual medium in which they grew up... but the fact remains, that it is unadvisable.

Sure its up to her... just like its up to me to wlak around wearing flashy jewelry at night in wrong neighborhoods... its common sense. This is a silly debate
I don’t think its silly at all.

However, i do agree that in some ways, sexual culture is having some kind of de sensitising effect when it's coupled with the the way our culture works.
I suppose it's going to be mighty hard to keep religion out of a discussion like this, as most people who might be interested in a topic of this nature will be advised by whatever religious preaching/readings they have been subjected too.

I think it is a really broad topic and hard to define too. What is classed as uncovered to some people? might be different to others and so on.
I did not mean to bring up religion in the sense of what is objectively right in the sight of your God... i just meant to show that it has been a problem dating back to the foundings of our world religions.

I think you ask a good question though, can we, in a relativistic society, deem something inappropriate (in reference to articles of clothing). I think at some point we can. WHen i see 21 year old girls walking around with their butt cheeks hangin out below their shorts and tank tops that are so tight and revealing - that they cant be wearing them for comfort - i start to ponder the motivations for such clothing. DO they feel they need to dress this way for attention? It really is a problem that begs a lot of greater questions as wel.

What im getting from you is it's more the way a society is told to think about women who wear tight or short clothing that actually leads to how we might think of it in a sexual or indifferent manner?

for example, some remote tribes wear next to nothing in Africa, but are those women seen as being too revealing? no i would guess, because their culture hasn’t taught them to think that way.
exactly, it really is culturally relative. We must take many things into consideration. I personally feel north american liberal society has gone to far in regards to sexual freedom, but that is for another debate.
Do YOU personally think that women not covering their whole bodies in public are asking to be violated? do you think it increases their chances of being raped?

Absolutely. The more you show, the more you make the perv want to see the rest. I'm not saying to dress like a nun but I am saying that V neck tops shouldn't be as deep as the grand canyon! And miniskirts should be longer than Victoria Secrets' latest underwear.

Do you think the showing of more and more women in sexual music videos and pictures with revealing clothes on are causing/ are at all to blame for a breakdown in morals or to blame for a break down in marriage in any way?


Also, i heard some guy (not saying who) saying that when a woman, be her your mother, girlfriend or daughter doesnt cover up fully, is always being raped and violated mentally by your friends and other people on the street or in public. What do you think about that?

Agreed. You can never be sure what's going through someone's head, but I think if you're offering them a pu-pu platter of questionable thoughts... they'd be tempted.

Once you are married to a guy, should you cover up so no other guy can see you apart from your husband?
Not necessarily. A woman shouldn't have to change the way she dresses for her husband. Not unless she dressed like an exotic dancer to begin with.
Its quite hard for me to answer this question because the bible instally pops up in my head.

I personally find wearing revealing clothes quite offensive. For me it symbolizes cheap, dirty, tacky and down right stupid. To me when a woman exposes her body like that she is asking to be rapped because she is constantly giving of an sexual vibe. If us woman can sense it imagine how magnified that would be to a male.
I see many women out and about wearing revealing clothing, most of us normal people may think "she looks fit" but you will always get the nutters that take it one step to far.

I dont think they are asking for anything, they just want to appear attractive to us blokes, Unfortuinatly there will always be nutters in society, so should all women cover up to decrease the risk and not express themselves how they would like? Hell no, thats just giving into the nuters out there.

As a comunity (local and global) we shouldnt penalise the victim, but penalise the wrongdoer.

It is in a way like the government sword ban, they are punishing us legitimate guys because of a few bad eggs, not the way to go about it in my opinion.
I can understand your frustration V.

Because our society is the way it is and we are devised to see women in anything more than a cloak as sexually appealing, women cant always just wear what they feel like because of the consequences...i.e guys drooling or worse in some cases.

But its also with the culture comes the context, if your in a bar/night club, most a lot of guys are out on the prowl as is the so called way it is here, so a girl seen dressed in that way is seen in a sexual way i would argue most times.

However i do feel that most normal people wont take these feelings any further, and women should be able to dress as they please, just use their loaf
I think something that could do with clarification here is what exactly do you class as covered up or revealing? There's not just 'revealing or not revealing', it's a matter of opinion and in my opinion there's a scale.

Very covered up - Nun
Covered up - Business trouser suit
Casual - Jeans/skirt (just above or below the knee), V neck tops etc.
Slightly revealing - Strapless top
Revealing - Quite low cut top, skirts so short you can't bend over
Very revealing - Clothes leaving nothing to the imagination

I imagine people will have their own ideas of what is and what isn't revealing.

It's not the norm for men to rape women in our society today. There are societies where this is acceptable, but it's certainly not in ours. Biologically speaking we are designed to fit in with society. 'normal' men will perv but will not seek to rape a woman wearing revealing clothes. Any man committing rape officially has a screw loose and all the "animal instinct" warble is no excuse. Like every other man, these men have a choice.