Should the Cigarette Tax be $10.00/pack?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
At every intersection, and on every curb you see thousands of cigarette butts lying around. I have seen smokers (the ones who don't thump them out their car windows) pull up to a traffic light and empty their whole ash tray on to the pavement. Should these taxes go toward clean up of their tremendous mess?
So I take it that all you morons that are against the cigarette tax enjoy looking at millions of butts lying on the ground. Are you the same crowd that thinks we should abandon fossil fuels in favor of wind and solar? I bet so.
I don't smoke but the government is wrong.They keep taking people's rights away and we are becoming more communistic than ever.Soon they will take something else away.Just keep watching.
When the government fails to receive as much cigarette tax money as they project, they will start taxing something else. Maybe they'll tax something you use.