Should the bears pick up jordan Rogers?

Jul 23, 2013
They can make him a beast like aaron although I think there is risks.
Pros And cons
Aaron Rogers probable would help his brother be elite
Trestman and kromer will help him
Jay cutler might help him

1. When Rogers plays for the bears, he might be immature and loose against the packers on purpose for his brother.
2. This isn't coming from me but my friend said the packers will get friendly with the bears since the bears picked up aaron Rogers little brother and gave him a chance. Soon the rivalry ends. But I highly disagree with this con.

Aaron Rogers probable would respect the bears but the packers won't break the rivalry.
no team right now should pick up jordon rodgers he is injured when he heals up i am sure he will be given another chance to tryout for some team.really i doubthe ever becomes a nfl starting qb.just because his brother is good doesn't mean he will be.the fact that no team drafted him tells ya right away that there is little hope for him