Should Taco Bell put Caution Labels on their food product for "it may cause...


New member
Jan 11, 2009
...explosive diarrhea"? I think they should Caution or warning labels on all their food product, saying something like "Caution, this food may cause instant and unavoidable explosive diarrhea, eat at your own will."
It should say "this food is disgusting and will kill you; do not eat our 'cheap for a reason' food"
Any restaurant or fast food place could cause that. It all depends on your body. Personally, I have never had a problem with taco bell.
I deffinitly agree with you! I think this happens because of all of the grease and fat in alot of fast food and restaurant food that we normally wouldnt consume if we just cooked a meal at home. The meat at taco bell is the worst. Since Chinese food is cooked with so much oil I have the same problem with that type of food. It really sucks when my boyfriend wants to go to all of these places and he thinks he is doing me a favor buying me this delicious food lol. If I were you I would try to eat alot of bread to soak up the grease and fat if you want to continue to eat at these places and not have to go through all of these symptoms. good luck!
I heard that tobacco companies are being forced to put cancer victim pictures on the package in some countries. Have your seen the advertisement on Television of prescription drugs and all the attorney talk / warnings of side effects ? Give it a few years , the liberal attitude could force it to happen. Actually what gives me diarrhea is fast food pizza that has sat in box about 2 hours , then eaten. Hope for plenty of toilet paper 6 hours latter.