Should I use an elliptical or a stationary bike?


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I already have a treadmill, but it was very cheap, so it's not electric and it squeaks really loud. It's just being used as a coat rack and I am definitely going to get rid of it.

I realize that if I want to stick to using a machine on a daily basis, I need to purchase a GOOD one. I think i'm going to get either an elliptical or a stationary bike.

But which one is more effective?? Right now I'm leaning more toward a stationary bike because I think that I will be able to do that for longer periods of time. Also, I heard that you can lose 300 calories just from half an hour on a stationary bike! BUT I still need more information to convince me? If anyone has lost weight on either one of these machines, please share your input with me, because I really need the help!

I would really appreciate the help because I have been struggling with my weight for years and I would REALLY like to lose 20 pounds before this summer. Thanks so much! :)

PS - I know I won't be able to JUST rely on the machine to lose all of my weight, so I know I will have to do more to reach my goal. But the machine will definitely be a big help to me. :)
I would definitely get an elliptical. A good one has programs to work your arms. They are good for your abs and legs too. Get the elliptical.