Should I try for high school baseball if I don't want to be pro?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
I am a freshman in a huge high school that only offers JV and Varsity (No freshman team) Meetings start very soon and tryouts come up in a few months. I have played baseball for many years in little league, including this year. I am decently good, but certainly not the best and not the worst. My problem is that I enjoy playing baseball and sports to stay active and have fun, but have no huge dreams to play in the major leagues. So, mainly, the only reason I am considering trying out is because it obviously looks good to colleges if you play sports in high school. I know how to play, and am a good player(though i don't really stand out), but in a huge school with other really good players, being a freshman, and not really wanting to desperately play, should I try out even if i don't really want to be super competitive in my future???

I should also add that if i do play a sport, I would definitely want to play baseball.
Of course any sport looks good on a resume but do what you enjoy. Just try out. What do you have to lose? If you like the sport then certainly play. High school sports are for fun, not just for practicing so you can be a pro.
If it is such a big high school, with no C team than I think you should seriously consider not playing cuz you won't get any play time unless the rest of the team is worse than you
Just try out. Opportunities are always presented to us, and it's good to take them. You never know where it will take you. You might even meet new friends from joining the baseball team!