Should I quit football?


New member
Aug 5, 2010
I played football my first year. Freshman year. I liked it sometimes. And hated it sometimes. Now that I'm jv, its a lot more intense. We lift 4 days a week year long. And it takes up so much time. But I've always been a singer at my school. I'm in my school's auditioned choir. And I did some acting in the past. Which is fun. I didn't do the musical, but the teacher that directs it is making me next year. The musical went on tonight and I loved it and wished I was a part of it. I like football. And wish I could do both. But thats really hard. I'm a good singer and its something I'm good at. But football is something I understand well, I just can't play it well. I will never start and won't play much at all. What should I do?