Should I quit basketball?


New member
Dec 24, 2012
Im a 5'11 14 year old boy and I've always dreamed to make it to the NBA....But now that dream seems very far away. I play PF/SF. I can rebound and I have a good vertical(Can grab rim on 10 foot,and dunk on a 9). I rarely dunk in-game because im scared to injure myself. I have a good jumpshot but in games it is inconsistent. I have terrible ball-handling and I cant cross someone over to save my life. Im also only 145 pounds so I have a hard time boxing people out.....everyone used to pick me up at the local park because somehow I was still able to score at times and get rebounds,but once a game was very intense,and it was hard and everyone was yelling at me on my team,so I just walked off the court and left. Everyone that plays ball at my local park calls me a punk and a big baby now and I have no respect. So now no one wants to pick me up so I cant play games with good competition. They also go to the other local park too......I tried out for the basketball team and I didnt make it...all the coach made us do was a 4v4 game for like 3 minutes so I couldnt even prove myself. Now I dont even feel like trying out next year because the tryouts are just full of BS..... But I really want to be in the NBA and I love basketball but some a-hole and his friends want to ruin everything for me just because of a one time thing and ever since then I've never been the same. All of my friends and family expected me to be on the team but Im not and it seems like people look down on me. I really want to make it to the NBA but I dont think its possible....I've spent nearly 3 years since 6th grade working on my jump shot and game but it all bailed out on me at tryouts. Ever since then,even in pickup games with "lower competition",I cant even dominate like I used to against lower competition.....I really need some advice on how to fix my ball handling too... please help me