should i get the blitz or voyager?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
i like both. I'm in between. I've listed some of the pluses and minuses of each. I'm pretty clumsy so i kind of have a concern of breaking the touch screen. the mobile TV and web browser don't matter much to me. i think the blitz is adorable but its pretty square. i don't want the env2 because honestly its WAYYYY to popular. almost everyone i know has one. the blitz not having video recording is kind of a drag. another thing i'm in between about is the touch thing. i've played with it around at the verizon store but not a blitz. my old chocolate kind of got on my nerves with the touch but i got used to it. i get a new phone in 25 days :) i'm realllyy happy since i have a temporary one right now since my chocolate broke. so whats your opinion on both phones?
oh and i love having music on my phone and i know the voyager comes with the music usb cable but does the blitz?