should i get an iphone 3g or blackberry storm? ?

Don't get an Iphone! When you decide later to get another one, there is no transporting your numbers, you can't take out the SIM card (with At&t anyway) or remove the battery on your own if there is anything wrong with it. Plus ONLY Apple insures it. It's not covered under your dealers warranty either. WASTE OF MONEY!!!!!!!
iPhone 3G for SURE! To me, the Storm feels cheap because of the fact that the screen depresses in every time you tap something in order to simulate a 'clicking' effect which I don't like at all, I want to TAP the screen, not CLICK the screen. And the Storm looks like crap if you don't mind me saying :) ALSO, the Safari web browser on the 3G is totally unbeatable especially when compared to the Storm's web browser. Another thing is, the App Store on the iPhone is AMAZING. You can download all these different categories of Apps right onto your iPhone from ANYWHERE! And most of them are free! Plus, you have the iTunes music store right on there which I use mostly to download podcasts and sometimes buy a song. And the iPhone is the same price as the Storm so there really is no reason to buy the Storm over the iPhone. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me!
You want us to choose a phone for you based off no needs on your part? basically you just a want a touchscreen phone, and everything else doesnt matter?
As it stands, if we tell you a phone, we are telling you a phone that we like and meet our needs, and has nothing to do with you.
For example. If you travel out of the united states, your storm will not work. the iphone will.