Should I buy a new radiator for my 2000 dodge intrepid (about $135) or...


May 13, 2008
...purchase a used one? I was going to go to Parts Galore with my mechanic and find a radiator, but I worry that the one I purchase may go bad. Car repairs simply stress me out. Some of the stress is gone because I don't have to take the car to the shop and possibly be swindled. The guy doing the work on my car is really good at what he does and is reasonable. I know it'll be about half the price ... but there's really no way to tell if it's good. I just got a new radiator put in during the summer, but recently got into an accident after some a**hole ran a red light causing me to run into the side of him. Hence ... my radiator got busted. Anyway feedback please. I priced the radiators online at Auto Zone and O'Reilly's ... they're about $135 each and he's charging $60 to do the job.
always replace new radiator as said might buy someone elses trouble ok .wise move ..
radiators are cheap enough buy a new one and save the aggravation of some old piece of worn out crap in the junk yard. Cars are not in the yard because they were running good and taking a chance on blowing an expensive motor to save a few bucks is not a good plan. Make sure your anti freeze has a water pump lube in it. And its a good idea about once a year to put a little tbe of water pump lube in the radiator. And use distilled water or purified water in the radiator. Most of the city water supplies have way too many heavy metals in the water and it can xause premature failure of the radiator.
Always best to go new on a radiator as you want it clean and open. You are Saving money on the labor, splurge on the parts. And make that guy a nice home cooked meal!