Should I buy a G1 from T-Mobile for $130-new rap?


New member
Jul 29, 2008
A friend offered me the G1 for $130 new. My old phone broke and I can't afford to spend a lot of money on a phone--but I want a good "smartphone" I can just switch my sim card and use the G1 until something better comes along.

Do you know any better deals? Should I buy this phone??

All answers are appreciated. I posted this here because in the Cell Phone section where I posted a couple of times--there's hardly anyone there to help. So, I assume almost everyone has a cell-phone and there is a lot of viewers here. So what do you all think?

I apologize for using the Rap section to post this but I just want some answers and I don't want to get a bad deal.

I wouldn't. The G1 has been out for a while, and $130 is a lot to pay for a used phone that has been out for two years.