Should I bring my 70-300mm telephoto lens on NYC tour?


New member
Jun 13, 2008
It's kinda big and heavy, I'm wondering if maybe I won't really need it anyway. I will be bringing a Nikkor prime 50mm F/1.4 and also a 10-20 wide angle lens (for the view from the Empire State Building!)
Would you bring the telephoto, or leave it home?
To the question about the telephoto speed, it's: NIkkor 70-300 1:4.5-5.6 G
Telephoto? I think that in New York, there are more wide-angle views. If it is big an heavy, bring the prime lens, and the wide angle lens.
That lens does not weight much ... take all your lenses, however the 10-24 mm lens will be used the most.