should I be ok with my sister having sex?


May 17, 2008
I am trying to care for her the best way i can. I just dont know what's for the best!, i want her to be HAPPY so will letting her be the right choice? or should I tell her not to?.

Im 16. She is just 13 and he's 14. She's been with him for 1 year now. I'm concerned because of her age, she is extremely young. Despite her age, she says she is 100% ready for sex and really wants it and that she knows its the right time. I explained to her about contraception and all such as that, and to my surprise, she already knew and understood. I have praised her for waiting until she feels ready, i know just how horrible peer pressure is.

Either way, i think im going to find saying no a major struggle, since shes probably going to do it anyway? allot or girls at her school are already doing it!

I just dont have a clue what to do for the best!!!!! please help!