should i accept this iphone 5?


May 20, 2008
well my older brother wants to buy me an iphone 5. its not that i don't want it, i don't want him to spend so much money on me. he has been taking care of the family since he was 19 years old (father abandoned us mom couldn't work). he works real hard and i don't think i should waste so much money when i could get another phone for free (with sprint plan). should i get it (when it comes out) or should i get a free normal phone

what would YOU do if you were in my position? considering how hard he works
oh yea im 16
Well firstly is it a gift? If yes then I think you should accept it. Your brother is showing his appreciation to you by giving you this gift. I think he will feel happy after he has bought you it if you are happy, he will be happy. Your brother wants the best for you and I dont think its harsh to except this gift but if he offers to buy you anything else you can bring this up and say that he has already bought you something expensive.
I wouldn't want to make him pay that much money either. If he insists maybe offer to save up and pay for half of it :)