Should FDR and all Democrats be forced to read Lincoln writings?


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Direct quote from Lincoln

"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help man permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."

Maybe you don't like to call your policy socialism, but just read Lincoln and face the fact that the truth hurts. Socialism does not and never has worked. And FDR's New Deal and the policies extended from that are ruining my country.

Lincoln did NOT say that

nice try
..pants on fire dude.
I agree with the many above - dead men don't read
and FDR would know that Lincoln didn't say that
of course the close-minded liberal fools take this literally... everyone knows FDR he is dead, you guys arent funny.. come on you morons .. he is saying that FDR and every democrat SHOULD read the lincolns writings.. if you dont know this then its time grow up and get your GED..

i think this is very beneficial.. i think every president should have to study the past presidencies and what worked and what didnt work for the people and the country.. lincoln's writings would greatly benefit our country today.. too bad there are so many people jumping on obama's socialist bandwagon for change..
I think FDR died a few years ago. Perhaps a history lesson for some republican trolls would be in order.
Thats funny...

Because lincoln destroyed half the country to save it. Kinda goes against everything he is saying right there, isn't it?
Too bad Reagan didn't read it before he took office.

As far as helping the poor and disabled, feel free to adopt one and teach them to read and pay for their reeducation. Let's take it out of government hands.
If lincoln were alive today he would be a extrme liberal, a socialist you might wanna call ? Hmmm...

Read some history. Republicans in 1860=/=in 2009
There's nothing in that example that Democrats disagree with. The Democrats want to create a more vibrant economy that will not only help the poor, but will create new opportunities for the rich. Most wealthy people would rather pay a few percent more in income tax if it meant new investment opportunities, a healthier and better qualified workforce, and more money in the hands of consumers. Socialism works fine, especially the European models. Even here, most Americans are very happy with socialistic programs like Social Security, Medicare, interstate roads, the military, and other programs we all chip in for.
My favorite President was Jefferson with his limited government view.

This quote from Lincoln just demanded my reading more about another one of America great presidents.

And Amen to your closer. Name one socialistic policy that is working well in this country. The government simply needs a major, major size reduction, across the board and at state and county levels also. The beast is now totally out of control.
Well, I'll just call up FDR and let him know what he should be reading, as soon as he finishes his lunch.

"Excuse me, sir, after you finish your brains, I have some reading material for you."