Does this read well... Novel (feed back and suggestions would be nice?


New member
Apr 2, 2009
abstract from the novel i am writing, I dunno, it just doesn't read well I don't think

“Locate your voice; shyness is an illness you must overcome.” Dalzell said in a comforting tone. “One day, you shall be Elder Darius. When that day comes, there will be no time for fear.”

The child nodded. “Could... could you tell of the legendary Dragoon?”

For a brief moment the elder seemed to be miles away lost in thought until finally a smile came to his face “I could. Yes good choice. It was always my favourite if I do say so myself.”

"What is it about elder” the children asked in unity.

“This tale is one only my young grandchild here has heard. “ Darius smiled in delight... "It is the tale I like to call. The plight of the Red Dragons”

The very mention of dragon’s caused a surge of excitement to fill the chamber as a dozen eyes now latched to the Elder’s every movement. Even Galiron couldn’t help but give his full attention as the room once again fell silent. Before Dalzell could speak however the two large wooden doors of the great hall swung open, sending a fluster of cold air down the hallway and extinguishing many of the room’s candles in the process. Entering the room, a figure clad in armour wrestled against the tempest winds sealing the entrance behind him. He turned and approached the inner chamber. In a panic the elder rushed forward to greet him.

The children, their jaws dropped at the sight of this majestic warrior who had dared to make the ascent. Galiron who had been slumped on the floor had scurried to his feet now towering above all but the outsider.
“Sorry for the intrusion Master Tassinari” the man spoke whilst rubbing his hands together.
“Nonsense Hector” Dalzell retorted motioning the elves to rekindle the candles. He placed his hands atop the man’s quickly restoring them to a healthy colour. “Where is the King? We were not expecting you and have nothing prepared.”

“Worry not, Ragner isn’t here. It’s just me and two squire.”

“You have courage to spare to make such a perilous trip at this time of year. All is well in Kona I hope? The King too?”

Hector nodded.

“I don’t understand. You are most welcome; forgive me however for being so blunt; but what brings you here? Why are you not at his side?”

“I didn't like his request either though he would not task this to any other. He was to make the journey himself however something urgent came up last minute. He holds the wellbeing of the Snow Elves to the highest regard. You know how he is.”

“I do, and we are quite humbled for it. What did he ask of you?”

Hector reached within his snow covered chain-mail to an inside pocket pulling out a letter sealed with a blue wax. All will become clear when you read its contents.”

“To my friends, the Snow Elves of the Silver Mountains;

On my recent visit to Leuven, I learnt of the severe conditions the winter months have forced your race to endure. I have since longed for a way that the men of Kona could help. Though I cannot stop the snow from falling nor thwart the relentless winds. I can however provide a settlement for the Elves of Leuven to dwell in during these harsh months. The abandoned Garrison at the north of the Alpine forest is being prepared as you read this.

I hereby declare the region of Alpine and the Northern Reaches are to be relinquished to the Tassinari family of the Snow Elves. Though the beauty of the Alpine Forest does not equate that of Elvish Glades I hope this gesture of goodwill from Man to Elf is suffice so that we can continue to forge the oath between our two races.

Signed Ragner Levant”
It sounds amazing and really pulls me into the story. But maybe you could use more adjectives for effect