Sharp mental abilities with number sequences?


Feb 21, 2008
I have heared, number sequences and other intelligence training is an optimal thing for sharping the mental abilities. And thats of course also advantageous for martial arts.
What do you think?
People have a certain natural ability with numbers that has been measured by science and compared to other primates and intelligent animals. Chimpanzees faired a heck of a lot better than people. On average a Chimp can remember 10 things at any given time when put to task. A human on the other hand averages 7.

The key to these number games is short term or working memory. Make more use of your short term memory to remember things rather than writing them down or using your phone and your mental abilities will be fine. I doubt you'll get better at martial arts just because you start playing sudoku.
...thanks for the answer. So it is a good thing to train number sequences for excample.
But nevertheless excercising and training the body is more important. :)