Severe abdominal pain, and I just "don't feel right" after emergency contraception.?


Jan 30, 2008
Severe abdominal pain, and I just "don't feel right" after emergency contraception.?

First of all, I don't want any advice on contraception because we've already being planning to go on the pill next month (as we have been for sometime now but had to wait) & we have been using condoms in the mean time- i just need an answer about the following. (I've been close friends with my boyfriend for about 4 years and I know he has no other sexual experience apart from me and neither have I- meaning STD's are not a danger.)

My last period was 7th January - 12th January and on 15th January me and my boyfriend had sex but the condom split so the following morning I took a "morning after pill" the following week (20th) the condom came off so i used the morning after pill on the next day. Its alright to use it twice in one menstrual cycle but no more.

I've started to experience (last 3 days) a really down feeling, tummy aches and shooting pains up my abdominals also, under my stomach above my "area" seems to be swollen/bloated-just like a period. (im due 5th February) HELP!
what could this be?

Is it simply muscle strain? (as i play a lot of basketball)

I know it couldn't be pregnancy symptoms as when we had sex on 15th it was our first time meaning I'd have to be 7 weeks to feel symptoms.