Serious question. Laughing?


May 23, 2008
Okay so I just noticed how fake I am with laughing at people's jokes. There are a select few who can actually make me laugh and I don't like that. I feel like one of my good friends is the most hilarious person ever so they set the bar too high on what is funny. Or is it just that my sense of humor is horrible? Like sometimes I laugh more at what I do than what other people do and I think thats weird. In class when someone says a joke and everyone laughs I will laugh only because other people are laughing but in my head I will be thinking "wait that's not funny at all"

howwwww caaaan I laugh more
i've also been told that i'm really funny so that's what I don't understand about it
its deffinitely possible that its just diferent sense of humour.... you can laugh more by watching a lot of comedy shows and then when someone says something random and not funny, you will remember a good joke from the comedy shows you watched(unintentionally) and laugh naturally....
Well, if you don't think that someone's joke is funny thats because you have a different sense of humor there's no way to "Make yourself laugh more."
Maybe you're stressed out?
My advice would be to stop worrying about it and continue
on with your life,
but thats just me.
It's great that you can see humor in what happens even more than in a joke....
Seems like you're getting more laughs than the rest of us!

And it's not fake - it's nice to laugh - even if it's not all that funny.
Nobody likes to tell/hear a joke and notice that there's some one who refuses to crack a smile.

Don't change - and keep on seeing the humor in daily life.