Senior night ideas for cheerleaders... and fun ideas for state. 2 in 1 question


New member
Jul 4, 2011
lol.. HELP!? So the juniors are in charge of coming up for gift ideas for our senior night on Wednesday. We don't really want to do a picture frame with a picture of the team because that is SO over done it's almost not personal. We are really close with our seniors so we want it to be cute and special but we have a 10 no more then 15 dolor limit for each senior (there are 4)... Any ideas??? Were lost!

BQ: State is coming up for the sport we are cheering for in about 3-4 weeks and we always like to get really fun (cheep) gifts for our boys the parents us our parents and who ever else come to watch (meaning we have like a 5 dolor limit for each gift because it usually comes out to the hundreds that we buy). We have done glow in the dark shutter shade glasses, really big ridiculous cow boy hats (in our school colors) because we do live more in the west, last year we did light up pom poms (they were a hit EVERY ONE loved them) so we need to out do the pom poms but we are really lost on what would do that. Any ideas or links to a web sight that would sell cool cheep stuff like that would be a great help as well!
