
Ah, thats why we should hold a ScotMAP event here every 4 months, because theres more of us

Ummmmm .... ScotMAP2 ..... what's this about beer and no goats? i get the feeling I'm missing something here?
Right now the open mat's been & gone, let's get back to this then

Looks like april the 3rd's won the race, now let's Start getting things set.

1st off, let's have a roll call.

2nd off, having missed the Edinburgh one, not sure what the night was like. Do we want a Function room or just some where that'll keep a table back for us ??

3rd, anyone got a request for a particular pub ??? Anyone want to avoid any pub's ???

4th, who's up for training on the Sat Afternoon ( no hangovers to laugh at, not sure if that's a good thing or not )
1st off, let's have a roll call.

2nd off, having missed the Edinburgh one, not sure what the night was like. Do we want a Function room or just some where that'll keep a table back for us ??
A table or two in a pub would be best as we ended up clubbing

3rd, anyone got a request for a particular pub ??? Anyone want to avoid any pub's ???

No Football pubs

4th, who's up for training on the Sat Afternoon ( no hangovers to laugh at, not sure if that's a good thing or not )

Me! If anyone hung around after the training last time you'll remember the mess I disintigrated into

I know I am not a Scot, but I will be in Glasgow on the 17,18,19 of March. I was hoping to meet some of you guys. Oh well,,,I guess I miss April 3.

Have fun.
Well then here goes nothing,

"Please, pretty please?" *anything flutters eyelashes repeatedly*

Well I hope that works, I feel so dirty now.
Right time to bring a bit of structure to this.

We are intending to have another meet sometime early April we can have another vote if people give us the dates that they are available.

I think the format will be similar to last time a night out with plenty of drink (if you want it of course if not i'll have it ) and some training.

We need to move on this just now though so we can get a hall booked for training.

I think the preferred date at present is Saturday 3rd of April but as said before if you want a revote then just tell us the dates you are available
Right so far we have


There are a lot more of you out there so let us know if you want to come so we can arrange stuff please

That's 8 so far, any ideas on locations ????? My usual haunts prob not to everyones tastes so suggestions on a post card please