

New member
Apr 6, 2008
What the crap is it? The website's limited description is totally generic and offers little in the way of straightforward explanation. Rather just incessent ramblings using cleverly placed philosophical lingo & jargonistic language:

I found the specifics I was looking for in this:

But I'd rather not base my opinion on a cartoon meant to parody.

To be honest, I guess there are hundreds of religions out there just like this one, many that the average person doesn't know about nor wants to know about, but since Scientology in particular has such a large celebrity following I guess I was just curious. After all, I'm a typical red-blooded westerner, as such I make celebrities business my business. As you do, naturally.
Oi Oi,

There are currently two slightly older threads on Scientology. Presented here for your viewing pleasure.
Ah, thank you Chimpy.

*Throws scooby snack into the air*

All this time I naturally assumed scientology was based on science. But if science becomes religion that defeats the whole point right? Luckily I see it's not based on science but on alien ghost spirits who did some freaky crap and the rest is history.

Ya know this religion was started by an author of sci-fi novels?
please, don't persecute the scientologists...they may go away in a huff, and stop entertaining the rest of us.
"Sir the Thetans are revolting. ~Yes they are".

I'd have commented sooner but my xenu got stuck in my zipper.