School boy wears skirt to school

It's not that this one child is special, it's that nobody should have to suffer from overheating for the sake of an arbitrary social norm.

In addition, I think your post was a bit of a straw man - no one is saying it's terrible and grievous and all that. Simply that it's wrong to have one rule for one gender and one rule for another. Why do different reproductive organs mean one gender should be allowed to wear clothes that dispel heat, but the other gender should have to just suck it up? It's every bit as absurd as if we made one rule for blue-eyed people and another rule for brown-eyed people. Sorry Axel et al, but I can't respect social norms that are based on so little.

Dear god but so-called 'normal' people disgust me. Social norms are more important than anything, even health.
My first though upon reading that story was does it really get that hot in the UK?

For all those people saying it prepares for the workforce and later life - most jobs requiring similar attire (office jobs etc) are performed indoors under control environment (read aircon) that is designed to wearing office attire, including long pants if comfortable. Here there is also generally an option of having indoor lunch rooms.

Schools are not so. You have kids who are generally more active, class rooms that may not have aircon, and they go outside to eat lunch and play.

Different circumstances require different clothing. Around here it's the norm for boys schools to have a uniform of shorts, with long pants during winter if they wish.
I wonder at the idea that conforming to social norms is a virtue in itself. Most social norms are arbitrary, ritualistic behaviours.

I mean...when ONE person shows arbitrary, ritualistic behaviour, there's seen to be something wrong with them. And yet when an entire society does it, it's seen as appropriate and healthy, and you're in the wrong if you DON'T do it.

In a nutshell, behavioural sickness is bad in an individual but good in an entire society. Um, okay.

Sorry, I'll respect social norms when they're made based on something morally substantial. Not what is basically a neurosis. I respect the social norms that dictate you don't disrespect, harass or assault someone because it's obviously morally based. I don't respect the social norm that tells me not to get razorwire tattooed over my obliques because there's no logic behind it. It's nothing more than pack mentality. 'You have to be one of us, and if you don't we'll punish you'. Children do that when they're aged...what...12 and under? Do we really want to base society and its norms on abject childishness??
Yes exactly Moi. I'd wager that overheating interferes with concentration.

Who is going to concentrate better? Someone who is feeling physically normal or someone who is struggling to ignore 'this goddamn heat'?
I doubt a pair of polyester trousers is going to make that much of a difference.
As it happens the uniform rule in this school is only two years old and agreed by teachers and parents to ensure kids look smart and will now be reviewed now in September.

From a style point of view anyone wearing shorts, black socks and shoes should be shot on site regardless of age
Loose pants are going to trap heat, unless they're pure white. I think avoiding the heat is a little more important than LOOKING a certain way.
The school & the parents discussed the issue two years ago and decided on a set uniform and laid down the rules. Regardless of whether they suit everyone they obviously suited the majority at the time.
The parents of the child have a perfect right to remove their son from this 'good' school and place him in one of the others in the area were he can possibly wear anything he wants.
Sometime you just have to suck it up a little for the greater good.
Totally agree with youmabout social norms. Most of em are stupid. Allow me to offer up an exampoe. The one where society says we girls have to be bald below the head level but men are allowed to have hair. Why? This might be TMI but - I do not shave. And am proud of it!! Don't like it? Won't date me cause i have fur on my legs? I don't want superficial bf's anyway. So there.
That's not his argument though. He wants to wear shorts. The fact that girls can wear a skirt is nothing to do with it, as he's shown, he can also wear a skirt. Take gender out of it.
This i agree with more than the argument for shorts. The gender skirt/trousers argument is a good one. It is only a relatively recent 'rule' that is completely daft.

If Star Trek is anything to go by, and i can't see any reason why not, then skirts on men will only make a brief comeback for a few months before being forgotten about again.
if the school staff (and parents) are stupid enough to decide something like that (seriously, "looking smart"??? what the ...), i would not trust them with having an intellectual capacity higher that that of my hypothetical children, nor the capacity to teach them.

signed: someone who had to wear a uniform, including a tie, for 8 years, and hated it, yet will gladly wear a suit when necessary, as shown in my current avatar (hideous shirt notwithstanding, it was the only one i could find on time )

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