Scars? What do you think?

I'm pretty scar free, no major ones to speak of (*touches wood*). I've got quite a few little ones on my legs from doing the usual kid stuff when I was younger, including one bigger one from when I fell on a piece of wood which had a nail sticking out at a strategic place to go into my knee. That was actually in the "wildlife garden" at my primary school - damn that place was a deathtrap. The only other one I've got runs across the top of my right thumb from when I was cutting a piece of wood on a scroll saw, and kind of carried on a bit after I finished cutting the wood. That was a bit messy. They've pretty much all faded now though.

EDIT: I also have a smallish one across the underside of my wrist where I was mucking about in this stupis fountain thing and accidently slashed it on this metal railing thing.
Two over my left kneecap--
One of my college rooofftopictes had a double loft that the dorm bedframes were put up in, without the headboard or footboard. At least one of the scars is from getting into bed and scraping my leg across the metal bedframe. I don't remember where the other is from, might be a repeat incident.

Some small ones on my arms from when I kept rabbits.

Left index finger knuckle, there was an open can in the sink, and when I started doing dishes I bumped the knuckle against the rough edge, I think that was my first time getting stitches.

Nothing major or real interesting.
I totally missed that part! I wouldn't say I find scars "attractive" per se, but they can be a little cute if there's an amusing story behind them. I used to date a former self harmer and again, I didn't find her scars attractive, but they didn't push me away either, they were part of who she was and that was fine with me
Personally, a bunch of mine look really ugly. I doubt anyone would ever find them attractive and I do my best to cover them up wherever possible and if I ever got the money together and the opportunity were there, I'd get rid of them in a heartbeat, but then there are some freaky chicks out there who might like them
That rocks!

I electrocuted myself when I was two or three. I stuck a key in the electric socket. Loud "poof," black smoke everywhere, shorted out the whole house, but I was okay. Yes, I remember it still. Scared the you-know-what out of my mom.

I have at least eight scars. Two are from a football accident, two are from a bike accident, one is from falling off a cliff (that hurt bad), one is from falling into a ditch as a kid, one is from surgery on a broken ankle (home repair accident), and one is from playing with a kitty cat. His claw got me. It's real tiny.
I have a scar going down the exact middle of my forehead, about an inch and a half long. When i was two, my brother and i were getting cups full of water from the kitchen and tipping them onto the couch then covering it with pillows so mum and dad wouldnt find out. I'd run out of water and was going to get more when my brother started chasing me. I turned around to see where he was and when i turned back around there was the corner of a wall.
Even thoush it's a pretty obvious scar, people don't really notice it. My cousin asked me last year how long i'd had a scar there, and he's known me for 16 years before that.
I have a 2" cuved scar under my right eye from my army days, I have burn marks on my behind from a curling iron/tong in a play session that went to far and a cigarette burn in the middle of my chest where a GF dropped the head of her cigarette on me by accident when she was on top of me and neither of us noticed how much daofftopicge it was doing.
I've got two scars in my eyebrow, one running across the top of the other to form a letter 'T' shape. Got them from two seperate accidents when I was a toddler. I quite like them, because they are rather unusual.

I've also got a little one on my wrist, and I can't for the life of me remember how I got it, or even how long I've had it!
oh! and I got a scar on my head running from back to front

looks cool

actually it was when I broke my skull and they had to release pressure and....i'm not going into anymore me a headache just remembering it =\
I have a large collection of self-inflicted scars on both forearms and my right bicep, and my lower right leg. I also have one on my cheek from getting bopped in the face in a fight. I have several healthy scars on my fingers due to my love of playing with knives in one form or another. A big scar on my knee from a bad rollerblading accident (road rash, ouch). I have a big scar on the back of my head: when I was little, I was running along the hearth and I fell and busted my head pretty good.

I don't find scars particularly attractive, personally, but many of my old girlfriends thought they were sexy. I've had 3 girls who "liked" the self-inflicted wounds on my arm. One of them would sit next to me and rub them absently when we were hanging out. She liked them alot. I was with the other one when I got decked in the face. Right when I got it she said "cool, you'll have a neat scar," and afterwords she said she liked it.

However, the nice girls I have dated don't really like them. My first "nice" girlfriend said they made her sad, my most recent one hasn't made any comment one way or the other. As I only want to date nice girls now, they don't do me much good.
We're bored westerners with a comfortable life and an expendable income... let's pretend we have some relation to the down to earth tribal people of wherever and cut ourselves up to show our solidarity and express ourselves man.

I don't think this is what the Celts had in mind when they were working on the Book of Kells!!!
Wholly crap!

I wish I'd gotten that creative when I was a pre-teen!

EDIT: Slipthejab, assuming you use google images to find that stuff, you should be nominated as the national spokesman.
I wonder how many get infected and just turn into a yucky mass of scar rather then a neat picture. I mean, when you figure you are already covered in staph anyway just waiting about for you to do something stupid.....