Scale down large recipe help?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Ok, I was at a restaurant and loved this seafood salad dressing so i asked the cute little chef for the recipe and she gave it but it is meant to feed a large army, (544 portions) I'm no good with math so Im going to enter the recipe and could someone please scale down?
** I need the ounces to be converted into tablespoons and teaspoons as most home chefs do not have scales.
Thank You!

Mayo 30 lbs
Garlic Powder 1 oz
Parsley Flake 2 oz
Thyme Leaves 2 oz
Celery Salt 4 oz
Dill Weed 4oz
Sea Salt 2oz
Seafood Seasoning 4.5oz
Dijon WholeGrain Mustard 4oz
Apple Cider Vinegar 12oz
Lemon Juice 14oz
Ground White Pepper 1.5 Tablespoons
I need it scaled down to feed maybe four or five people.

@Jane- your answer made no sense
Actually, most home cooks SHOULD have a scale. They are inexpensive and invaluable.

So mostly mayo, twice as much parsley, thyme, than garlic powder. Twice as much celery salt and dill weed than parsley. Same amount of sea salt as parsley. Same amount of seafood seasoning and mustard as dill. More lemon juice than vinegar and just some white pepper.

Tweak it to your needs. All the basics are there.
It might help you to know that a tablespoon is half an ounce, and a cup is half a pound.

Now, converting all these measurements to kitchen measurements rather than standard dry measurements, we have:

Mayo 60 cups
Garlic Powder 2 tbsp
Parsley Flake 4 tbsp
Thyme Leaves 4 tbsp
Celery Salt 8 tbsp
Dill Weed 8 tbsp
Sea Salt 2 tbsp
Seafood Seasoning 10 tbsp
Dijon WholeGrain Mustard 4 tbsp
Apple Cider Vinegar 24 tbsp
Lemon Juice 28 tbsp
Ground White Pepper 1.5 tbsp

This should be a lot easier for you to scale down. When you get to the smaller spice measurements, remember that three teaspoons make one tablespoon.