Samsung galaxy 3 V.S Iphone 5?


Jun 11, 2008
I am wanting ti buy a new phone and I can't decide on what to get. Can you answer these questons for me?

How much alike or these two phones?
Can you get apps/ games just like the iphone?
Do you have data plans? If so are they unlimted to where I could watch video's.

Please let me know of any more information you feel would be helpfull.
I love my iphone 4s but I am wanting something with more free stuff like apps and music.
I have the Samsung galaxy three. its really big. I like the look of an iPhone. i think the 5 looks weird its long and skinny. its a ton of money. if u want a phone to watch movies then the large screen is nice on the s3. I like my phone. the iphone also has apps that r money that the s3 has for free. The iphone has apps like doodle jump and face time that r only for iphone. yes u can watch unlimited videos. you might be an apple person but the big screen on a s3 is awesome for games and videos!
Iphone has the best security by far of any smartphone (because all code gets reviewed first before it can get into the appstore). To me thats the most important thing with a phone, no need to run antivirus or worry about what you are installing on it. The design is also better, far thinner and lighter, and isn't like a plate in your pocket.
I think these should help

Not alike aside from the fact they are both smartphones
Both phones have app marketplaces
Both require data plans. Only Sprint & T-Mobile offer unlimited plans.

Better to stick with the iPhone line since you already have investments with it which you would lose should you switch.