Samsung DLP 1080p TV with ATI Radeon shows unsupported mode?


New member
Dec 19, 2008
I've connected my computer (graphics card: ATI Radeon x1650pro) through a VGA cable to my TV, which supports 1080p. I've extended the desktop onto the TV. My screen refresh rate is 60Hz. My drivers are all up to date. I setup my friend's 46" PRIMA easily with 1080p mode, but in my TV the highest resolution I can get is 1280x960 (far from 1920x1080 at 60Hz). If I go higher, the TV screen shows "unsupported mode". What can I do? Please help me cause my TV's going to waste ;)

I am a pretty knowledgeable person when it comes to computers, so please don't tell me to change the refresh rate or my TV doesn't support 1080p and such.