same dream and premonition?


New member
Dec 23, 2010
I have had this dream and premonition for about 6 months now about 10 times help find the meaning behind this.

The dream and premonition are the same thing in every way me and my husband are sitting in the leaving room of a apartment that I have not seen before my 3 kids are playing in their room. Then there is a knock on the door before anyone can open it the door is knock in and 8 men dress in all black and their face is covered they are all holding guns. they push me and my husband on the ground and hold us there then 4 men run to the back rooms and took our kids.1 of the men said it is the time for them to move on you must stay behind. My husband gets up and trys to fight them and gets shot and when I scream out no I wake up. I have had the same dream so many times and it all started with a premonition. What dose this mean?
I wouldn't discount it as a warning of future danger completely but my guess is that it is symbolic. You may be aware, and many people including myself have experienced that there are powerful forces that watch over humanity and communicate with us through dreams. Theories range from spirits, subconcious, Jesus, Allah, aliens, Buddah, Karma, time travelers, ancient Atlanteans, Yahweh, and so many other ideas where all of this is coming from but most of humanity can agree on one thing, we are being watched by someone who knows many things including the future. I think your dream is most likely a communication saying your husband is overprotective and needs to allow the kids more freedom to develop themselves although it is ironic that your dream could do just the opposite if you don't really think about it. Parental guidance is important but if any of your children are expressing interest in things that some parents don't appreciate you might think about reconsidering. For instence I have always loved football by my mom forbid me to play when I was a child and I still watch it all the time today at 36 and regret not having the chance back then all the time. Some kids are discouraged from art by business oriented parents to the detriment of the child's natural development, some are overly shielded from friendships or from dating. I would think carefully about whether any of your childrens' natural talents or interests are being discouraged and whether it might make sense to give a little more leeway or even encouragement to them.
The most likely scenario is symbolism in your dreams, and it seems something is bothering you. It could be the fact that no matter how you try to protect children from the evils of the outside world, when they get exposed to it they are never quite the same. It's a dangerous world and you can't always protect them or see trouble coming.
As for the idea of a premonition, I certainly hope it isn't a glimpse of the future you are seeing. Yet to qualify as a premonition it would have to occur as envisioned.
Living Room

To dream that you are in the living room, represents the image that you portray to others and the way which you go about your life. It is representative of your basic beliefs about yourself and who you are. Alternatively, the living room is indicative of your freedom and space. The living room is a symbolic boundary between your personal self and your public self. Objects that do not belong in the living room denote the various aspects of your life that are invading your personal space.

To dream of an invasion, represents your need to be more assertive. Stand up for yourself and let your voice be known. Don't let others tell you what to do.

To dream that you are screaming, symbolizes anger and fear. You are expressing some powerful emotion which you have kept pent up inside. If you try to scream, but no sound comes out, then it indicates your sense of helplessness and frustration in some situation. No matter how hard you try to get someone's attention, they cannot hear you. The dream highlights your difficulty in communicating with this person. You need to immediately identify your fears or feelings and confront this situation in real life. Alternatively, your inability to scream may be a form of REM paralysis.
Well it's said that the premonition dreams are similar but not equal, in other words the premonition dreams shows different scenarios and not like you see the same movie, its more like your subconscious know something that you don't remember but you feel that you need to take care of. Remember the dreams not always show the true meaning of what it happens there, unless if it's a memory recap of some event that became a milestone.

Sorry for my bad English.
This would come under the heading, "Night terrors"

Your cousin has an issue that his subconscious hasn't been able to resolve, so it keeps trying over and over.

Some "directed dreaming" might help.