Safety in High School Science Departments


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Four students in one of our local junior high schools were involved in an uncontrolled fire and/or explosion a few hours ago. It was in a physical science class. One of the students was burned severely and is in the Hennepin County Hospital burn unit. His injuries are not life threatening by my understanding is that his face is covered with second degree degree burns or worse. The other students are not at present hospitalized.

The mishap occurred during the demonstration of an experiment that was intended to be a "reward" for the students performance in class. There are various stories floating around as to exactly what happened, but I won't repeat them here because they are not verified and there is not enough detail for that information to have any meaning. At this point we do not know what kind of accident this was, how it may have been prevented. I think, however, it is safe to say that it is generally a bad thing for students to get blown up in science class.

And, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you something you may not know about your local high school.

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