Saddam Hussein sentenced...

are you an Iraqi? Were you there when Saddam was ruling? Or are you yet another American who knows better than the people who were there?
I was at Baghdad when we took it down, I was at Fallujah when we cleaned it out, I spent 3 years there serving my country and there wasn't a single day that people didn't come up and thank us for our work.

Have you been there? Or are you just another whiny bi*** who has all the answers but lacks the guts to do anything such as serve their country to help?
Not everybody is willing to fight in this war, because the reasons for starting the war in the first place were wrong.

Why fight in a war, in which the leaders have already admitted to totally underestimating the entire situation on the ground.
Yes but tell everyone what the answers are without doing anything about it,
I at least served my country and took an actuall part in helping out reather than being a hypocrit.
So you were thanked by every member of the Iraqi population? Half maybe? A quarter? No?

I've not been there, I have no intention of going there any time soon. As for serving my country, I've done work to that end and will no doubt continue to do work that positively benefits my country.
Those that criticize from the comfort of their homes without doing anything legitimate to help, those that don't put in hard work to help rebuild and restore, those that don't provide resources to ensure the wellfare of the populace, provide medical care to the injured and needy, those that tell others what is wrong and how they should think and behave and how things should be done, yes they are hypocrites of the lowest kind=cowards and fools
Let's not forget that those "hypocrites" pay your wages and your equipment.
You both are so funny and self-righteous, keep telling yourselves that if it makes you feel good for doing nothing.

Not only did I fight and keep people safe, I built housing and structures so people could be safe and have a place to stay, what have you done?
Those planes that took you to Iraq weren't designed by soldiers, they were designed by Engineers, like me. Those helicopters that evacuate you when you're wounded werent designed by soldiers, they were designed by engineers, like me. Those fighters that give you air support when you're pinned down by the enemy weren't designed by soldiers, they were designed by engineers like me, so were your weapons, and your body armour, and your comms kit, and your armoured vehicles, and when you get your legs blown off who designed the prosthetics that helped you to walk again? Engineers, like me. Civilians, like me.
So get off your high horse, the military owe a bloody lot to civilians, so dont you dare say that we dont have a right to criticise this war.
I'll let that speak for itself, so no comment.

This is not a personal attack against you, I honestly believe you if you say that you were engaged in peaceful activities.

But even you have to acknowledge that the U.S. armed forces are guilty of some nasty offenses.
Fair enough, if you say you did some of that, then my thanks.
But you still only provided the tools, while we are grateful for such, we actually spent our lives to make a difference in the wellfare and wellbeing of those people, that tiny majority you say, that thanked us, our actions saved lives and made sure they got what they needed.

It's war, shi* happens.
Did the media ever tell you about the villages of innocent people massacred by insurgents? Did it ever say how they would leave snipers in houses with families so that when soldiers came to do a sweep the insurgents would use them as cover and open up on us, and often shoot those same people whose house they were in?
Did they say how they hold the populace in terror by kidnapping, torturing and killing people and if it weren't for us evil soldiers, they would have no security, no safety, no peace?
Did they say how many soldiers spent their lives to bring food, medicine, comfort to those people who never had such under saddam but obviously according to some here preferred that over a better life?
holyheadjch and Jesh - you're mega idiots

Fixating on your parts in the war. We're talking about the men/women on the ground.

No one said anything about not recognising the efforts of EVERYONE who has had a hand in supporting the troops. Geez, what a bunch of whiners.
LMAO, Jesh I feel like picking a fight today.

You didn't feel the need to respond to the second part of my post?
there is nothing that can be done to that man that would equal the things he done to so many. he could noy live long enough to endure the pains i would inflick on him. if there is such a thing as the devil he is it.