Saddam Hussein sentenced...

hanging Saddam does nothing for the credebility of the Iraqi puppet government or for Britain or America.

who know in ten years time perhaps it will be Bush and his poodle Blair who will be on trial for the murder of innocent civilians and the destabilising the middle east.
surely capital punishment will deter serious crime.. i read last week that some guy who was sentenced to 7 yrs in prision was released after 9 mths, and a week later he murdered a woman. people like him deserve to be seen as an example.

maybe hanging isnt the best way to execute someone, but i believe hussein should be executed.
Do you also have difficulty accepting that the punishment for kidnapping is seizure and detention in a prison? Here the punishment resembles the crime somewhat, no? The difference is that while kidnapping is reprehensible - the act of forcefully detaining a kidnapper isn't. Similarly, the punishment for killing cruelly and unjustly is a comparatively dignified and justified death.
I agree.

Another problem with keeping him alive is the major security needed around wherever he is jailed (especially if he were jailed in Iraq), which means lots of expenditure which would be put to better use.
Nice one MH.

He's been sentenced to death, its going to happen. That's it. We live with the consequences.

Its not like he wasn't tried in a court for his actions. The way he executed so many people, gave them no chance.
Why do I have to enlist?

The proof is in the pudding as far as Saddam goes...he is responsible for something like 200,000 deaths of innocents..

So far since his "arrest", over 600,000 innocents have been killed and the number is still rapidly rising.
Enlist so you can make a difference instead of whining like the majority of lack luster idiots who think they know so much better but have no clue and do nothing to change things.
Such people are pathetic
I'd be interested in seeing a wide reaching poll conducted asking Iraqis whether they feel better off now than they did under Saddam. Of course you'd have to account for the rose tinted glasses but I think the results, particularly when broken down by region would surprise people over here.
Given the Sunni protests and Shiite celebration over Saddam's sentence, I doubt it would be all that surprising.
well theres no doubt there'll be a secular division, but would the ordinary Iraqi agree that they are better off under Bushs' soldiers that under Husseins.