sad Sr. prank

Putting a sign on the totalled car that they have so we don't drink and drive saying Stop Women Drivers
My senior prank was the greatest mindfuck ever. It started as a joke one day after my drafting class and rampantly grew into this epic ordeal. In my drafting class we had a drawer full of keys and I mean FULL, possibly about 200. Now these little brass keys belonged to desks that the school no longer had. So one day out of pure boredom I thought, Hey there are a bunch of keys, I bet I could get a good chunk of change for scrapping them. So I took them with me after class. Well I met up with a few friends at my locker and told them about it and as a joke I gave each of the a ring of two key. After that it started to be a thing where I would give a ring of keys to people I knew. So in a couple of weeks I have all these people coming up to me asking for these key that I'm supposedly handing out like its some kind of godamn trend. People would ask me to give them a key and then ask me why I was doing this and what did they belong to. Until this day I had no idea what to tell them. As I was sitting in class telling my one buddy about this bizarre event we came up with the most glorious prank ever to be concieved. We decided I would tell everone that these keys belonged to a lockbox, a lockbox with an unknown reward in it. Naturally this caught on with the usual idiot students in the school I attended. So as every week went by I would reveal a new twist to this "immaginary" scavenger hunt such as a location with a clue. The best part was, we made up every single thing on the spot, and it was totally fake. I mean there was never anything to find yet week by week people would ask where to find this box. After a few months it got old and we decided that we would make it look like someone found the box and it had a bunch of money in it. As I look back on it, there were so many things we could've done better but it was an origional idea. With some work I'm sure some of you seniors would be able to come up with some pretty good things to add to a prank like this.
2 fucking blocks from me! One year the a senior got the master key to all of the lockers. He went to the freshman lockers and mixed up all the locks and I think thats all he had time for.
next year our seniors plan on putting a ginormous slip and slide in the bridge hallway from the Information Center to Fine Arts building. twill be teh winrarz
Mine: Osbourn Park HS --- Manassas, Virginia

Our seniors decided to drape a tarp over the entrances, which said "Class of 2008", "Hazmat", "Crime Scene"... all hand written. The bus drivers saw it and they said "We didn't know if something bad happened, and we were scared to drive in". The principal tore it down before 7:30 AM, so when everyone came, it looked like someone just put a trash bags on the roof
One or two years ago at my highschool, one of the seniors took a shit in the corner of his classroom as his prank.
i heard one year some seionors bought three pigs and then they painted the numbers 1,2,4 on all of them and then realesed them into the school the school officals caught all three of the pigs but then spent the whole day and night looking for the pig with the 3 painted on it but they didnt find it because their was no thrid pig in the school.

Last year all they did was spraypaint the cameras and walls.
I'll find out what they did on Monday.
Some kid brought a blow up sex doll and pretened to have sex with it at lunch.
then he got taken away by the po po's
There's never any senior pranks at my school, but we're thinking about paying a homeless person a couple hundred and a 24 pack to run through the commons nude.