
New member
Apr 10, 2008
I kissed someone and now I have second thoughts.

How can I tell her I am not interested anymore without sounding like a jerk?

Keywords: College chick and I'm supposedly her first boyfriend.
I just realized she's the commitment type. It was her first kiss and now she's thinking far ahead. Plus she wants to wait after marriage.

Edit: Not that I mentioned it or anything.
You afraid to commit ?

Not getting it easy makes her unacceptable ?

Dude if she is nice go for it ...if you dont fancy her then say so and move on ...

No, it's not fancying, it's the commitment. I want to say so, I just haven't figured out what to say.

Topher she's 3 months older than me.
I can't tell you because you'll use that against me?!

If I word it right, it might be worth a try.
If you're 20 and worrying about a kiss then San Diego must have an altogether different culture to where I grew up.

Seriously dude, Man Up.

this has to be the lamest thread ever. seriously.
It's not like you played stinky finger with her or something. Seriously man the hell up and get it over with. pfffffffffffft.
Sometimes the simplest answers are the best. She just made a big deal about it and I didn't know how to respond.

I'll take care of it. I just needed a dose of reality.