Roger Ebert question?


May 11, 2008
Ok so I'm a movie buff I enjoy reading Rogers reviews I almost never argree with him on the ones he does not like because I can find good in every movie I see (to me Howard the duck is a master peice) but I can't really figure him out he dident seem to like burt Reynolds and his "good ol boy" movies like gator (excellent movie) but ebert never explained why he hated them he also did not like death race 2000 he gave it zero stars (I thought it was awesome but again that's all me) but he just talked about being shocked about the fact their were little kids in the movie theater he never judged the movie it's self he also despised the exterminator (another good movie) because the shoot first ask questions later meassage it gave so I can't figure him out was he overly politically correct or something like that? What was up with him?
simple... everyone is entitled to their own opinion. no one said it had to make sense :)