Robert Pattinson: the most dangerous and gorgeous vampire


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Dec 28, 2010
new york

The first time I saw him was in twilight. But I'm not really thought he is very handsome at the first time. But with the story goes on, I found him just so amazing. He got shining smile, pretty face, good body shape, and wisdom; considerate, etc. almost everything belongs to a perfect man. I love him so much after saw this movie...falls in love with Edward, as well as Robert.
The wild hair is really awesome in Robert. But lately, the hair is gone, with a very short hair.
The hairdresser really didn't hold back when it came time to cut. The result is a totally different look and a whole new image for Rob. We saw Rob's new look for the first time the other day on the Ellen Degeneres, show.
So why did he cut it? Not for him and not for fashion, but because of the new film that he is filming called, Water for the Elephants, which comes out next year.
Not too worry if you are one of the fans that love Rob's hair. It will be back just as soon as he begins to film Breaking Dawn.

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