RHH: Buy/Sell: Big Daddy Kane > Rakim?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
I've finally come to a conclusion on this (mainly because I don't really listen to anything that old these days), and based purely on how the body of works sound today, I think Big Daddy Kane gets the nod. Rakim is obviously more important to the genre and has a bigger nostalgic connection to listeners of that era, but I think Kane's work has aged pretty well in comparison to Rakim. I'd actually like to see BDK put out another album soon, while I'm not really checkin for a follow up to Rakim...
@Dick B: You would seriously entertain the fact that Rakim has 5 classics? Wow, he must easily be the G.O.A.T. in your opinion then...

In any case, I think "Follow The Leader" is probably better than anything BDK put out, but overall, discography wise, I think BDK still gets it...
Sell, Rakim's discography is better than his. BDK has been inconsistent, his first two albums were great then his next two or three albums were below average (especially Prince of Darkness). Rakim on the other hand has been pretty consistent (aside from his latest album). He has arguably 4 to 5 classics in my opinion.
As far as how well the work has aged, BDK takes it easily. It's hard for me to say that BDK>Rakim, though, just because Rakim had had such a huge impact on the genre as a whole.
Rent. In a lot of his earlier stuff there is and probably still isn't anybody who could touch him from a lyrical and flow stand point but on his later albums he fell off, maybe it's just me.. but I'll rent.