Return of the ultimate badass

I read the thing about his award on yesterday, on - He was alive for a little over 30 minutes after he smotherd the grenade - two of the other SEALs also got shrapnel in them from the grenade
Heard about him, i feel sorry for him, that his obvious love for his brothers had to end in such a way.

I read an article about other guys who've done similar things, and one was a marine that landed on iwo jima. He saw a grenade, slammed his helmet into it so that it was buried in the ash, and then put his weight on it. He ended up unconscious without his hand and with something like 100 pieces of metal in his body, but he lived. He didn't remember a thing either, it was all recollected from his comrades who were right next to him.
they did face heavy solidified defenses, and i think i read that the only beachhead that was considerably more fortified was Omaha but i could be wrong?

either way our soldiers fight hard as do most.
haha, i lol'd hard.

Seriously, you fucking 12 year olds need to show some respect.
Exactly. My dad has been to Iraq numerous times and knows some of the terrors over there. I plan on being shipped over there after MOS training. :xeyed:
So are you trying to get pity cause your going over there?

this is ST I'm sorry

More than that, in World War 1 (I think), Canadians were the elite of all the forces combined and secured many villages and frontlines in France, Belgium and Hungary.

With Stephen Harper (our "president" and the biggest fan of George Bush, if you're ignorant enough to not know who he is), the military expenses have never been so high since 50 years so our army will afford better equipment than unsealed british submarines and old m-16s.