Reset the scores!


New member
Mar 17, 2008
I think that the arcade high scores should be reset at the beginning of each month. I mean there are many games where there are pages upon pages of results from way back in June! I think this would be more fun as it gives the rest of us a shot at trying for number one without having to compete with "gamer gabe's" high score who isn't even still on the site!

Vote yes on KFG's gaming reset-scores petition!

(p.s. So as to not offend the champions maybe there could be an "all time highest" section for the top ten so their super high scores are recorded for all to wonder at)

Besides, all those pages upon pages of scores just building up! Waste of bandwidth.
I thought that was happening, but I can't remember too well. Anyone care to remind me about that?
Well it obviously isn't since on some games there are still pages upon pages of scores all of which predate august!

Starts chanting:

Vote no on resetting the scores!

(okay, I'm being selfish, but it's not easy to get to first place)
This is kinda related to my own suggestion about the journals, so I vote for resetting the scores. hear hear!
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties .... arcade scores are normally scheduled to reset every 30 days.

Please be patient...
Silence you. Besides, like I said there could be a special top 10 hall of fame for the highest scores of all time.

BUT GIVE THE REST OF US A CHANCE! Many of the scorers aren't even on the site anymore!
