Rescued Cat and My Cat's Health, Steps to Introduction Into My House?


May 16, 2008
My cat is vaccinated yearly. except for the leukemia virus. ( there are suggestions that this vaccine causes cancer).
A neighbor moved and left a mother cat and 5 or 6 kittens. Another neighbor caught them, took some to the shelter, and kept 3. One will be mine. This was the last one caught( about 3 weeks ago), she is about 8 months old. She had her rabies and 4 in 1 vaccinations yesterday and will get be spayed within a few weeks.
My question is for those who have rescued a stray. Should I get my cat the leukemia vaccine before bringing her in. The stray needs to be tested, ( or do most of you do this?) but I was unable to get that done at the time of the vaccination. She is still in the neighbors house. If clear and when she does get spayed should I bring her home or should I let her get used to my house before spaying? She will be an indoor cat. She is still on the skittish side and I know it will take some time for her to calm down with me and my cat and dog.
Please let me know how you handled it. She does look and act healthy. I have rescued many cats, but circumstances did not present this scenario. Most of mine were from shelters.
Definitely have her tested when she's spayed. Do not bring her home until then.
As you probably know, she'll need a space all her own where the other animals can't get to her, but can sniff under the door. Do not use your bedroom if at all possible, since your cat and dog probably would see that as an "invasion" of their space. When you do introduce her, be sure she is in her carrier and bring only one animal in to visit at a time.

Is your neighbor (bless her heart) socializing the kittens? You should make time to visit and play with her. Since she was so hard to catch, she probably has people issues and will need lots of interaction and handling before she's ready to take on the challenges of a new home, another cat, and a dog! Good luck to you.