Report: White Sox want to bring back Robin Ventura for 2017


Jun 17, 2007
Following yet another disappointing season, the Chicago White Sox*have concluded the man in the dugout is not the problem. The White Sox are reportedly interested in bringing back Robin Ventura as the team’s manager for the 2017 season, according to Bob Nightengale of USA Today.
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The news comes as a bit of a surprise, as*Ventura has failed to lead the White Sox to the playoffs in five seasons. The club came the closest in 2012, finishing second in the American League Central during Ventura’s first season at the helm.*Since then, the White Sox have finished fifth, fourth and fourth in the division. Another fourth place finish is likely in 2016. In five seasons with the team, Ventura has compiled a 373-432 record.
Robin Ventura could return as the White Sox’s manager in 2017. (Getty Images/Jon Durr) While the White Sox*are willing to bring back Ventura for another season, it’s unclear whether he wants to return. When asked about his situation Wednesday, Ventura said he enjoys his job, but will deal with his contract after the season.
Ventura: “I appreciate your concern but I am waiting till end of year. I enjoy the job… but right now we’re figuring out how to do this.”
— Daryl Van Schouwen (@CST_soxvan) September 28, 2016
Throughout the year, Ventura has expressed a desire to remain with the White Sox past 2017. He was noncommittal when asked about his situation Wednesday, according to the Chicago Sun Times.
After a second straight offseason*full of big additions, the White Sox once again disappointed in 2016. While it was rumored some of the club’s core players were available at the deadline, the team mostly stood pat in July.
Bringing Ventura back for another season could signal that the club isn’t ready to give up on its current core just yet. Despite the team’s recent struggles, the front office has maintained Ventura is the right manager to eventually lead the White Sox to glory.
Wednesday’s news confirms that’s still the belief within the organization, though you get the sense things could change quickly should the White Sox stumble out of the gate in 2017.
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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik