Religion is like the matrix. who agrees?


New member
Jan 22, 2011
religious people are like the people plugged into the matrix in that movie. they are CONTROLLED OBLIVIOUS NON THINKING people. when they talk all i hear is the money and power hungry priest talking. they never got a chance to believe what they wanted to believe. they were brainwashed from the start by their parents so there is no way they can think different. thats how religion works. its a long continuous brainwashing evil plan. it threatens FREE THINKING people like me to believe its crap. god loves us all but will send those who dont belive in him to hell? WTF? im glad i was given a chance on what i wanted to think about lifes origin. most people who were are OPEN MINDED thinking people like me. I am soooo glad i am unplugged from the matrix(religion)
Why Christians are intentionally desecrating Jesus ?

Jesus never ate pork like today's Muslims and Jews !

He was circumcised today’s Muslims and Jews !

He was following dietary laws like today’s Muslims and Jews !

He prayed in a gender Separate seating synagogues far from women !

He never promoted monasticism or chastity!! like today’s Muslims and Jews !

He never talked about Vatican, Eucharist ceremonies! he never ordered the creation of Papacy.

He prayed God without any music drums or dances, his prayers were uttered words like today’s Muslims and Jews !

He never talked about trinity and also refereed to God as one single entity like today’s Muslims and Jews!

He never claimed he washed your sin with his blood !

So my dear Christians, why are you desecrating Jesus?

Why do you eat pork? Why did you ban circumcision? Why do you eat everything from insects to pork gut ? Why do you dance and sing in your churches? why do you mingle the genders in your churches? Why do you promote chastity? why do you revere your Vatican and pastors ? Who gave you those pagan acts of Eucharist and papacy to name few ?
Why you drink his blood ?

Please note that Christians and Catholics are the same! Christians believes are based upon Vatican made up teaching!
The Christianity itself was a Roman invention how can you claim you are different from Catholics?? One of the silliest thing that you have borrowed from the Romans is that Jesus returned and allowed you to eat everything and do everything because of his blood!
Why Paul is more important than Jesus?????????????????????????

What a shame to share this planet with Christians
too many people take the red pill and believe... whatever they WANT to believe.

as cypher says, he doesn't care if it isn't real - "ignorance is bliss."
Sort of. I don't see religion as necessarily 'evil' (I don't believe in evil as such) but it is similar to the scene in the Matrix where you have a choice to take the red or blue pill. Atheists are people who dare to free their minds of the theological 'coloured glasses' so many people look at the world through.