Relationship crisis? Help me out with best advice on this!?


New member
Feb 13, 2013
Mygirlfriend has a whorred out friend, a chick and she's reconnecting, attmpting. The problem I have is she could be a negative side effect, and get her to do things to **** up what we have. She is known to be a whore, different boyfriends. I'm worried, thats all. Whats best advice to handle this?
I believe she's trying to put a wedge in my relationship...
She likes jail, alcoholic, and is a hooker with different boyfriends. I'm just worried my girlfriend won't ever come back right or not at all!
Says how much she loves her gf, a lesbian, and then goes with others, johns too. Knows nothing of love? Says how much she loves my girlfriend, as a friend. Takes my girlfriend out, to places to drink, with her different boyfriends,or girlfriends.
tough situation man. talk to her about it, dont say whorish or disrespectful words. if she loves you she will understand.
Talk to her about it, most girl love it when their boyfriend is worried about them :) don’t be angry at her just act worried and concerned because you are :)