Relationship advise: does this girl like me?


May 13, 2008
I has put up my BBM status as "subtly friend zoned" the girl I like asked "hahah who friend zoned you" I said "you who else hahaha" she replied "I thought as much, was somehow hoping it wasn't me (embarrassed/ blush emoticon) but how now this status. I didn't something recently or what?"
I vehemently denied it because the status was a part of a different conversation but I used it as a bluff. She replied "I am confused, your status was for me which you said and now it wasn't for me."*
I replied "it actually wasn't for you, I played a bluff"
She replies ":|"
Also she was very warm and cozy and flirty for past three days before this incident
considering that when I had asked her out earlier she said "nothing at the moment of in the future we'll see.
This only friend zone right?