Rehoming fees a scam?


New member
Feb 17, 2012
Pet ads for adoption usually have a "rehoming fee" that you have to pay to get the so-called "free" pet. Right.

Hey... I'm selling a brand new 50" plasma TV for only $10. Yep, just ten bucks. But you have to buy the remote control separately and that costs $2000. And you MUST buy the remote from me. But the TV is only $10! Isn't that a great deal?

Same deal with these "free" pets that are given away for adoption. Yeah the pets are free except you HAVE to pay this rehoming fee.

I mean, it doesn't matter how you allocate the money, or where you claim it goes, or what you claim you're charing for. The bottom line is.. either you pay a sum of money, or you don't get the pet. How is that any different from selling? It *IS* selling, only under a different name.

The lame excuse these people give for charging the rehoming fee is they took care of the pet, spayed or neutered it, took it to the vet, gave it shots, etc. so they want their money back.

Why stop there? You fed the pet as well, so why not charge the next pet owner $200 for all the pet food you bought? Plus you spent gas money getting the pet supplies, so that's another $20. Right, so just add up every expense that comes along with owning a pet and pass that on to the next person.

I suppose if these people were giving away a child for adoption they'd require a $50,000 rehoming fee because of all medical expenses, food, clothing, etc. they spent on the child.

Anyway, it's clear that their goal is NOT to find a home for the pet, but to get money. They had the pet for a while, they don't want it anymore and they regret spending money on it, so now they want their money back.

I'm really surprised these "rehoming fee" scams are permitted in pet adoption ads.

Does anyone else realize this is a scam?